Opening Times
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Squirrels Pre-school

Opening Times

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Opening Times and Hourly Rate

Opening Hours 

Squirrels Pre-School is currently open Monday - Friday from 9am to 3pm. 

We also offer a Breakfast club which runs from 8.30am. 



Approximate 2-year-old full day session (6 hours) - £45.00
Approximate 2-year-old half day session (3 hours) – £22.50


Approximate 3-year-old full day session (6 hours) – £38.70
Approximate 3-year-old half day session (3 hours) - £19.75


Please contact the manager at Squirrels Pre-School for a more accurate breakdown of costs and fees. 


If your child attends for a morning or full day session they will be provided with a mid morning snack. For lunch we ask that all children are provided with a packed lunch.  


Useful Links
